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Friday, May 11, 2012

Kafalah, Ar-Rhan, and Wakalah

By: Gusti pares 
Economy and Business Faculty 
Sriwijaya University 

A. Kafalah

Kafalah is a variation of the contract of attorney forms, is said to variation due to a contract attorney, contract kafalah conditional (conditional contingency). In this case to do something on behalf of another person or power of attorney, if the conditions are fulfilled or if something happens. Examples include, a teacher told his assistant: "You are my assistants. 
Your job in my place when I was unable to teach. " In this case, it is the conditional power of attorney. Only in charge of teaching assistants (to do something on behalf of the faculty) when the lecturer was unable to attend (affected its condition, if something happens). So this does not automatically become assistant vice professors.This conditional power of attorney, in the terminology of fiqh are called kafalah.
Did you know?? 

Attorney, is part of the contract tabarru ', non-profit transaction contract, the contract is only the expectation of reward from Allah SWT. Then the contract is contrary to the contract tijarah. 
Tijarah contract is an agreement transaction profit (commercial contract). 

But keep in Remember, that the contract tabarru 'ga tijarah be converted into a contract because it will affect the onset of usury jahilliyah. 

B. Ar-Rhan 

Ar-Rhan is part of a contract where the contract tabarru signifies your mortgage and get into the loaned money. Thus, in lent this money the lender to require a guarantee in the form or to lend a certain amount uangnnya. 

C. Wakalah 

Attorney, is part of the contract tabarru 'where the form of a loan in the form of services.The loans are intended as a service to lend "us" (ie, can the expertise, skill, and so on) to do something on behalf of others. Because we lend on behalf of others, we actually become the representative man. That's why the contract was given the name of attorney.


Kafalah, Ar-Rhan, dan Wakalah
Oleh : Gusti Pares
Economy and Business Faculty
Sriwijaya University

A.    Kafalah
Kafalah adalah bentuk variasi dari akad wakalah, dikatakan variasi karena akad kafalah merupakan akad wakalah bersyarat (kontingensi bersyarat). Dalam hal ini melakukan sesuatu atas nama orang lain atau wakalah, jika terpenuhi kondisinya atau jika sesuatu terjadi. Contohnya seperti, seorang dosen menyatakan kepada asistennya; “Anda adalah asisten saya. Tugas Anda menggantikan saya mengajar bila saya berhalangan”. Dalam kasus ini, yang terjadi adalah wakalah bersyarat. Asisten hanya bertugas mengajar (melakukan sesuatu atas nama dosen) bila dosen berhalangan hadir (terpengaruhi kondisinya, jika sesuatu terjadi). Jadi asisten ini tidak otomatis menjadi wakil dosen. Wakalah bersyarat ini dalam terminologi fiqh disebut kafalah.
Tahukah Anda ?????
Wakalah adalah bagian dari akad tabarru’, akad non profit transaction, akad yang hanya mengharapkan imbalan dari Allah SWT. Kemudian akad ini berlawanan dengan akad tijarah. Akad tijarah adalah akad profit transaction (akad komersial).
Tetapi perlu di Ingat, bahwa akad tabarru’ ga boleh diubah menjadi akad tijarah karena akan berdampak timbulnya riba jahilliyah.

B.     Ar-Rhan
Ar-Rhan adalah bagian daripada akad tabarru[1] dimana akad ini diartikan sebagai pegadaian dan masuk ke dalam bagian meminjamkan uang. Jadi, dalam meminjamkan uang ini si pemberi pinjaman mensyaratkan suatu jaminan dalam bentuk atau jumlah tertentu untuk meminjamkan uangnnya.

C.     Wakalah
Wakalah adalah bagian dari akad tabarru’ dimana bentuk pinjaman berupa jasa. Pinjaman berupa jasa yang dimaksudkan seperti meminjamkan “diri kita” (yakni, bisa keahlian, keterampilan, dan sebagainya) untuk melakukan sesuatu atas nama orang lain. Karena kita meminjamkan sesuatu atas nama orang lain, sebenarnya kita menjadi wakil orang itu. Itu sebabnya akad ini diberi nama wakalah.

[1] akad tabarru’, akad non profit transaction, akad yang hanya mengharapkan imbalan dari Allah SWT

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Managing the global economy through turbulent times

Oleh : Gusti Pares
Faculty of Economics and Business
Sriwijaya University

“Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is past the ocean is flat again1.”

The unexpected scale of the turbulence in international financial markets and its impact on real economies has become a global crisis, as the risk of contagion to emerging markets increases.
The Leaders of the G20 advanced and emerging nations met in November 2008 in Washington to agree a new and decisive systemic international approach to handle the challenges to the world economy and financial markets. As we look forwards to our next Leader’s meeting in the UK in April 2009, we need to take this agenda forwards quickly, to start the process of reform so as to manage globalisation as a force for good in the medium-term.

The context is that first, we need coherent and concerted policy action across the world to counter falling demand and fragile confidence. Within this, there will be room for further monetary easing in the advanced economies as commodity prices have fallen and the risk of higher inflation has receded, although countries have different room for manoeuvre on monetary policy.

Fiscal policy has an essential role to play alongside monetary policy in sustaining demand. A well-designed fiscal stimulus is timely, temporary, targeted and sizeable, and part of a concerted international response, tailored to individual country circumstances.

Emerging economies with large accumulated surpluses could also take action to rebalance growth as appropriate, including supporting other countries in their regions directly or through the international financial institutions.
Second, the international community must take action to prevent further contagion and support vulnerable emerging and developing markets, including ensuring the IMF has the resources and instruments it needs.

Third, in order to restore confidence, we need to work together to address the failures in the financial and supervisory architecture the crisis has exposed, guided by the principles of transparency, integrity, sound financial regulation and responsibility of management for the risks they take.

Fourth, we need to move quickly to strengthen cross-border co-ordination of financial
regulation including a global early warning system, globally accepted standards of regulation, colleges of supervisors, and cross-border stability groups. We also need to strengthen as a matter of urgency the legitimacy and governance of the Financial Stability Forum and IMF, so that they are able to foster the international cooperation needed to promote global macroeconomic and financial stability.

Fifth, we must boost world trade and reject protectionism, being vigilant to immediate problems over trade finance, and work for more stable and secure global commodities markets. Finally we must reaffirm our commitment to meeting other global challenges despite the financial turmoil, including maintaining aid flows to meet the Millennium Development Goals, combating climate change, and looking to reform of the resources, mandate and governance of the international financial institutions. And we must start the process of setting out a long-term vision for managing globalisation as a force for good in the global age.

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